Use this section to install, uninstall and get basic information on modules.
To install a new module into WB:
Depending on how large the module is, and on the speed of your internet connection, installation might take from several seconds to a several minutes. Once installation is successfully completed, a brief message will flash on screen.
If your browser automatically unzips the files you download, you still can install modules manually.
Using your favourite ftp client, upload the full, complete, unzipped directory into the “modules” sub-directory of your WB installation. Then, log-in into your Add-ons > Advanced, and then use the “Reload Add-ons” tool to reload all modules. This will force WebsiteBaker to manually 'activate' the newly uploaded module.
Removing a module permanently deletes all information from your site related to the module. This may include Admin information that was part of the module, module-specific user preferences, and module settings.
Un-installation cannot be undone! All module-related information will be permanently lost!
To uninstall a module:
The module is immediately uninstalled, and any information related to it permanently and irretrievably deleted.
To view version, author, description and other useful information about your installed modules:
sample information obtained in “Module Details”