Modules allow to extend the functionality of WebsiteBaker. WebsiteBaker distinguish the following three module types which will be explained in more detail below.

Page type modules

Page type modules can be considered as separate applications. This module type is used to add missing features like a guestbook or an image gallery to WebsiteBaker. WebsiteBaker ships with the following pre installed page type modules.

  • Code: allows to enter and execute PHP code
  • Form: enables you to setup custom forms fo gather information from your visitors
  • Menu Link: allows to add hyberlinks to external pages which appear in the navigation menu
  • News: kind of blog which allows to post articles for others to read
  • Wrapper: allows to embed an external page or site into your site´s page
  • WYSIWYG: graphical editor for adding text, images, hyberlinks...

Additional page type modules can be downloaded from the official WebsiteBaker Add-Ons Repository .

One needs to install page type modules via the WB Backend: Add-Ons -> Modules -> Install Module. After the installation, you will find a new entry in the page menue: Pages -> Add Page -> Type. Page type modules can be used by adding a new page or section with the new page type.

Some page type modules can be modified by changing its default settings. The module settings allows to tweak the frontend layout or to change default values such as amount of images to display in case of a image gallery. The module settings can be found via the WB backend: Pages -> Click on modules page title -> Settings.

Administration tools (admin module)

Administration tools (admin modules) provide additional features to support the Administrator by it´s daily work. WebsiteBaker ships with the following pre installed administration tools:

  • Backup: allows to backup the entire WebsiteBaker database or individual database tables
  • Reload Add-Ons: refreshes the information stored in the addons tables

Additional admin modules (e.g. to display user statistics or to edit template files) can be downloaded from the official WebsiteBaker Add-Ons Repository .

Administration tools are installed via the WB backend: Add-Ons -> Modules -> Install Module. After the installation you can invoke the administration tools via the WB backend: Settings -> Show Advanced Options -> Administration Tools.

Administration tools can only be invoked by groups/users with access to the Settings. As a general rule, administration tools should only be invoked by the Adminstrators group.

Additional functions (code snippets)

This module type allows to add own functions which can be invoked from the index.php file off your template or from a page/section of the type: Code. WebsiteBaker does not include any code snippets per default.

Additional code snippets (e.g. to display News entries on pages other than the news page itself) are provided via the WebsiteBaker Add-Ons Repository .


Code snippets are installed via the WB backend: Add-Ons -> Modules -> Install Module. All functions contained in the include.php file of the code snippet can be invoked via the index.php file of your template or from a page/section of type code.